R Coding Club

R Coding Club is an informal time to chat and learn some new skills. The topic of each session

For most sessions, our process is that one person is the “driver” and one person is the “navigator”. The driver shares their screen and types in the code, while the navigator tells the driver what to do and what code to type. Usually, the driver is a beginner and the navigator is someone with more experience.

While we record and upload the session to YouTube, to improve knowledge sharing, we also create a blog post on what we covered during the session. Part of the purpose of making a blog post is to solidify knowledge learned by the driver, so they will be responsible for writing the blog. To add a post, read through:

  1. The section on creating blogs in the making websites blog.

  2. The sections prerequisites, forking and cloning, create a branch, and create a pull request on the creating branches blog. Follow the code to add the blog file created in the point 1 above. Do not do anything related to the Actions that is described in this blog.

Want to join?

  • When? Usually we have them on the first of the month at 10:00 CET (GMT+2). Subscribe to the Google Calendar to have the events included in your own calendar. Events are also listed on the Discord server.
  • Where? We meet virtually on the r-cubed Discord server in the “Coding Club” Voice Channel.
  • How to prepare? We focus on an R-based workflow and set of tools. For all the programs we’ll use, follow these installation instructions.
